GOfuel are pleased to announce that they have extended their marine fuel network and added a 24/7 self-service Unleaded 95 petrol facility at Tamaki Marine Park.
How do I pay?
You can use your GOfuel fuel card (you receive an additional 3c off per litre), Credit Card or Eftpos.
Need a fuelcard?
GOfuel fuel cards are "fees free" - NO Card fees - NO Transaction fees – NO Account fees!
Apply online or call 0800 42 83 83 to talk to our friendly Fuel card team who will be able to help you work out the best card for you.
Please note - Bank Card Pre-authorisation - Transactions at marine payment terminals are all pre-authorised by your card provider. They (not GOfuel) might place a "hold" of $1500 on your account prior to dispensing your fuel. For most transactions, the hold is released immediately after completion, however some banks take longer (3-7 days) to release the hold. To prevent this, sign up for a "NO FEES" GOfuel fuel card.